8 May

Guide to the types of remote controls for automatic gates

The modern world focuses on convenience and automation, and automatic gates are a perfect example of this. However, for automatic entry to operate efficiently and effectively, an appropriate remote control is necessary. In today's post we will look at different types of gate transmitters,...
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21 May

Gate bolts and bolts - ensure the safety of your property!

Nowadays, gates and fences play an extremely important role in ensuring the privacy and security of the property. Moreover, they also affect the overall appearance of the property. Therefore, it is worth choosing a gate that will connect each of...
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17 May

ACO, DAUHA intercoms and video intercoms – which ones to choose?

 Discover the World of Security with intercoms and video intercoms from ACO and DAUHA

Safety in our homes and workplaces has never been more important than it is today. With technological progress, more and more people are looking for innovative solutions that...
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5 Jun

Photocells for gates - how to choose?

Photocells for gates - how to choose?

Automatic gates are becoming more and more popular around the world. Users of this type of solutions choose them due to the great comfort of use, equipping them with photocells...
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21 May

Gate automation – why is it worth being interested in?

Probably many of us still use standard manual gates instead of automatic gates. However, it is worth mentioning that this solution is simply outdated. As well as extremely uncomfortable, due to the constant need to leave our...
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18 May

Remote controls for automatic gates – discover their advantages!

If we decide to install automation in our entrance gate, we should then decide how we will control it. Two possibilities appear before us. The first of them will be a photocell, which will be a great idea...
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18 May

Why is it worth investing in a combination lock?

When you decide to install an automatic gate, it is worth guaranteeing the highest possible level of security! Personally, we would like to advise against using photocells, because this device can be used primarily in public places. If you want...
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20 May

Why is it worth considering gate assembly kits?

Automatic entrance and garage gates are becoming more and more popular due to their enormous functionality. If you are a person who would like to be interested in installing this type of installation, you would definitely want to know what...
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