AC 230V Power Strips with Surge Protection
What are Power Strips with Surge Protection?

Power strips with surge protection are devices that not only allow you to connect many devices to one socket, but also protect them against surges. Surges can occur as a result of storms, problems with the electrical grid, or the switching on and off of high-power devices.

Key Features
  1. Surge Protection
    • Special filters and fuses protect connected devices against sudden voltage surges.
    • Absorb excess voltage, preventing equipment damage.
  2. High quality
    • Durable materials and solid construction ensure long life of the strip.
    • Resistance to high temperatures and overloads.
  3. Multifunctionality
    • Various types of sockets, including standard and USB, allowing you to connect a wide range of devices.
    • Additional features such as sleep timers and automatic restarts.
  4. Status Indicators
    • Indicator lights informing about the operating status and activity of the surge protection.
    • Ability to quickly identify power problems.

230V AC power strips with surge protection are essential for protecting electronic equipment from unpredictable power surges. Thanks to them, you can significantly increase the safety and durability of connected devices, minimizing the risk of failure and damage. When choosing the right strip, it is worth paying attention to the level of protection, the number of sockets, additional functions and safety certificates to ensure optimal protection and efficiency.